LyZadie Design Studio • earth-friendly Archives


Fjordland National Park is a wonder of natural beauty and Lyzadie was lucky enough to walk large sections of the park this summer. With some of the oldest rocks in New Zealand, its beauty feels literally carved from the earth…

Which leads, of course, to inspiration. There was so much to be inspired by: the roar of water cascading over ancient rock; every shade of green imaginable in the trees, the grasses the moss and stone; and the echoing call and flap of native birdlife.

Light from dark times

What a year. We are so very thankful to have the ability to look back on 2020 and be able to see some light within the difficult times. If your journey has been a tough one, our hearts go out to you. Things have been rough for so many on so many levels, we recognize our privilege in being able to take stock, to reflect, to dream of a brighter time ahead.

Thank You – For tuning in to the positive-change that helps in creating a fairer, more sustainable world

Designers, dreamers, makers, we are the builders of our own world. Fully committed to our goals of bringing sustainable, positive luxury design to the world, we also believe that carries with it a responsibility to support and celebrate the lives and work of others.

Walking Gently On The Earth

You can expect to see the rich tapestry of New Zealand’s nature and people eternalised in wood, stone, rammed earth, glass, running metals, new materials and leather. Exceptional materials that stand the test of time and that hold the warmth of the planet deep in their form.

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